The Business End of Buying Hay
We deliver stacks of 64 bales to you with our hay retriever truck. Some people refer to this size of stack as a squeeze. Our price follows the wholesale price plus our cost to haul the hay from Buckeye to Wickenburg. There is a discount for a semi load of eight stacks.
Will you sell me a few bales?
We like our backs and we plan to use them for many years to come! If you need a partial stack find a neighbor and share. With advance notice we can create a custom stack. We do not hand stack.
We store #1 alfalfa, #2 alfalfa, alfalfa/rye mix, oat/wheat mix hay and teff grass protected in our barn.
Our goal is to expand our client list of repeat customers. Rovey Farming aims to provide prompt delivery of the type of hay you are looking for at a fair price.
We pay close attention to the weather and do all we can to avoid rained on hay. Rain damaged and moldy cow hay means we lost money on that cutting. It happens but not too often.
Just about everyone can tell a story of their bad hay buying experience. We hope to improve your experience and develop a positive relationship over time.
code of conduct
Contact Jason Rovey to arrange a semi load or stack delivery. You are also welcome to bring a trailer to the farm in Buckeye. Our squeeze will load you. We prefer to communicate by voice or text messages. Integrity is important so a verbal agreement or a handshake is all we need.
We expect to be paid with cash or check at the time of delivery. Jason has no problem with your check until there is a problem. If you write a bad check Jason will let you know. If you do not solve the issue then it will be turned over to the Arizona Attorney General and you will get to deal with the government.
what happens when you are unhappy with the hay?
Please let us know so we can fix it!
We will trade out the stack or figure out another solution to your satisfaction.